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2040 Nimmo Church Lane Virginia Beach, VA
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Sunday Worship at NIMMO UMC

“Feed My Sheep.”

That’s what Jesus commissioned Peter to do as recorded in John Chapter 21.  Weekly Christian worship in a group setting is the quintessential element in this “feeding” process.  As the original disciples spread out to feed the sheep, they formed “churches,” which were actually groups of new followers who met to be fed. Specifically, they gathered to learn about and worship God.  Over two thousand years later, the body of Christ, also known as the Christian church, is still feeding the sheep.  We gather each Sunday morning to feed and be fed.  We do this through scripture, praise, singing, prayer, listening to instrumental and vocal music, and participating in liturgical elements from the canon of Christian worship.   


Outdoor Contemporary Worship 9am at the pavilion

A scripture based message, contemporary music in an outdoor setting.  Pets are welcome too!  If inclement weather, we will meet in the sanctuary(sorry, no pets inside). 



Traditional Worship 11am Sunday Mornings:  If you enjoy a structured, liturgical service with traditional hymns sung to pipe organ and piano accompaniment, then this is the service for you.  We gather at 11:00AM each Sunday morning in our historic sanctuary.  We have a vocal choir that sings weekly and a handbell choir that provides special music on periodic Sundays. Our normal liturgy includes the Apostles' Creed, scripture readings, the Doxology, the Lord’s Prayer, congregational responses, pastoral prayer, and a sermon.  Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month.  This service offers an opportunity to “feed” as well as “be fed.”  Ushers, acolytes, choir members, and liturgists are all necessary to enable the proper and successful delivery of this service.  So please come to feed and be fed.  You’ll want to come back for more.  This service is live-streamed via Facebook & here.



A note on Holy Communion

As a United Methodist Church, we have an open communion table where all are invited and welcome to experience God’s unconditional love and grace.  Our “cup” is of the grape, but alcohol free.  We offer gluten-free bread for those who so desire.             


Whether you are considering a visit or have already worshipped with us for the first time, we invite you to share God's love!


(757) 427-1765


2040 Nimmo Church Lane
Virginia Beach, VA


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