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Adult Ministry at NIMMO UMC

Encouraging spiritual growth and Christlike service to our community.

Adult Sunday Education
Life Matters Sunday School Class

Yes, the class name is an intentional play on words.  In this case, “matters” functions both as a noun and a verb.  Life does indeed matter.  God put us here for a purpose and Christ gave us very specific instructions regarding the conduct of our lives and ministry on earth.  Similarly, Christians, and humans in general, have matters in their lives that can benefit from scriptural guidance as well as insight from and discussion with others.  These concepts form the essence of the Life Matters Class.

We don’t follow the set United Methodist lectionary.  We don’t have a permanent teacher. This is a discussion-based class with a volunteer “facilitator” rather than a teacher.  We take turns facilitating the weekly lesson, which is normally taken from a book or a video series.  We decide as a group what we will study.  Often it is topical, for example a Lenten or Advent-based series.  Sometimes it focuses on an element of the human condition.  Other times it’s filling a gap in our knowledge and understanding, whether biblical, theological, historical or just plain curiosity.  Sometimes we discover that our current life “matter” at hand is not so unique after all.  Join us as we explore the varied aspects of our lives through the prism of Christian teachings, life experience, and group discussion.  For more information contact Melody Jeffrey,   

The Lucy Land Sunday School Class

The Lucy Land Sunday School Class meets in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday morning at 9:45. We follow the United Methodist Lectionary Calendar and use the Adult Bible Studies publication to guide our reading and discussion. Volunteer teachers rotate to prepare and lead the weekly lesson and participants are encouraged to discuss and ask questions.


Our class is designed to help adults understand the meaning and authority of the Bible for Christian life. We begin with joyful hymn singing, followed by prayer requests and joys. Our lesson wraps up our time together.

If you would like more information about this class, please contact Jack Calhoun ( or Marie Grindle(


Women's Ministry

We offer three women’s fellowship groups that meet once a month. Each group is similar to the traditional  United Methodist “Circles”, however, our groups are less structured and focus on Christian fellowship, missions and outreach, prayer and worship.



Nimmo’s Women of Worship (WOW) is our women’s lunch bunch. We meet at noon at various local restaurants to visit and talk about how the Lord is moving in our lives.  So if you enjoy eating out and Christian fellowship over lunch, join us at WOW.  We meet the third Friday of the month.  RSVPs are required to insure adequate seating at the restaurant.  For more information contact Debbie Gunia at   


The Lucy Land Fellowship Group meets on the first Monday of each month at 2:00. Due to COVID we are currently meeting in the Fellowship Hall. Traditionally we have met in our homes and hope to be able to resume that soon.
Our format is Bible Study based.  We choose a book to read and study. One of our ladies will volunteer to lead a discussion with questions and answers based on the chapter being studied that month. We begin our meetings with fellowship and refreshments. Next week lift up joys and prayer requests. We discuss ways to reach out to our community with special projects, mainly at Christmas and Easter. We end our meetings with our study and more fellowship.
If you would like more information about this group please contact Marie Grindle at 757-376-0640 or


The Susanna Wesley Fellowship Group strives to provide mutual support through regularly scheduled meetings at the church one afternoon per month.  Our external focus is community outreach to include our flagship commitment to a local group home called Prichard House.  We meet the second Thursday of each month at 1:00PM.  For more information contact Deb Reinhart at

Nimmo United Methodist Men (UMM)

Service is the credo of Nimmo’s UMM.  We serve the church as a group and individually.  You will find our members among the governing elements of the congregation, in the choir, as adult leaders of Nimmo’s Boy Scout Troop, serving as ushers, cooks, and volunteer handy men.  Many of us have been trained and certified to serve on UMCOR Emergency Response Teams.

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We meet the second Monday of each month except July and August.  We have dinner meetings in September, November, January, March, and May.  Dinner meetings begin at 6:30 PM.  General meetings start at 7:00 PM.  We meet in the Fellowship Hall unless otherwise designated.  We also participate in events hosted by the Elizabeth River District UMM.  COVID-19 injected a pause in all of our regular events except our signature event, the annual Christmas tree sale.  It takes place on our grounds commencing the Saturday immediately following Thanksgiving and runs until we sell out.  In years prior to COVID, we participated in spiritual retreats, attended Tides and Admirals games, visited museums, played tournament golf, and prepared and served meals at the Judeo-Christian Outreach Center and for the City of Virginia Beach’s Winter Shelter Program.  We are currently exploring the formation of Wesleyan-like small groups for spiritual enrichment and mutual support.  Leadership opportunities exist on our Executive Board composed of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.   So if you enjoy camaraderie, opportunities for spiritual enrichment, volunteer work, cooking (or eating), field trips, and serving others across a variety of disciplines, then please join us, the Nimmo UMM.  For more information contact Drew Lankford,


Whether you are considering a visit or have already worshipped with us for the first time, we invite you to share God's love!


(757) 427-1765


2040 Nimmo Church Lane
Virginia Beach, VA


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